Thursday, September 09, 2004

MyFamily Weekly Update : "Friday the Thirteenth
I was fascinated to read the origin of the superstition involving Friday
the 13th. And I have found an instance in my family, too. My
grandmother's birthday was always celebrated on May 12. Her parents were Norwegian immigrants. When I found her baptismal record in a Norwegian Lutheran church in a small town in Wisconsin, written in Norwegian, it showed she was born on May 13. The pastor said that in his experience, baptismal records were more to be trusted than family records. I looked up the day of the week of her first birthday, and sure enough, it was a Friday! Probably reason enough for her large family to 'remember' that she was born on the 12th. I'd bet that to the end of her 92 years she never knew any different.
Submitted by Doris Waggoner from Seattle, Washington

Old Certificates
On certificates from 1855, don't take anything for granted. I found a certificate which had the wrong mother's name and the father's name had been scored out and re-written. There were a few certificates on the same page and the Registrar had written the names of the one before for my guy.
Submitted by Morag Walker"

I often get iritated by the endles recipes in this newsletter, but today two pearls of wisdom

Priests are sometimes are drunks and their church books may be chaotic too.


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