Sunday, April 03, 2005

from Google Groups : soc.genealogy.britain

It's been awful for the last two or three days, here in the UK. You couldn't
turn on the radio or TV news without a long report basically saying the Pope
hadn't died yet, and how various of his organs were or were not failing. You could sense a disappointment each time the reporter had to go on air without being able to give the momentous news. I think that robbed the Pope of some of his dignity, and at a very hard part of his life. They should have refrained from all those \'on the spot\' reports, and left the newsreader to give us a short summary.
I dread to think of what will happen when the Queen\'s time comes!

Cheers, Darren

News just coming out now. Pope John Paul II has died.

May he finally Rest In Peace.

== 3 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 3 2005 10:18 am
From: Peter Goodey

> Thanks Rob, and sorry Sharon for being a bit short with you.

I think your earlier message was spot on.

== 4 of 4 ==
Date: Sun, Apr 3 2005 3:47 am
From: "JAP"

"Peter Goodey"

> > Thanks Rob, and sorry Sharon for being a bit short with you.
> I think your earlier message was spot on.

hadn't died yet, and how various of his organs were or were not failing. You
could sense a disappointment each time the reporter had to go on air without
being able to give the momentous news.

I think that robbed the Pope of some of his dignity, and at a very hard part
of his life. They should have refrained from all those 'on the spot'
reports, and left the newsreader to give us a short summary.

I dread to think of what will happen when the Queen's time comes!


"Another mailing list I belong to had a similar post from another of those
who assume that nobody else reads Internet news/ watches TV/ listens to the
radio, etc - notwithstanding saturation coverage of the final suffering of
the poor Pope."

The exchange there went like this:-

Poster 1
"El Papa Esta Muerto
2:37 P.M. East Coast U.S. Time Our Holy Father left us. Too Sad. "

[Incidentally, while - as here - it was anything but necessary to post the
information, it was clear from previous and subsequent correspondence that
the poster was seriously distressed about the death of the poor Pope. So a
little punctuation after the word 'time' might have helped]

Poster 2
"Yes, but he has done as much as any one celibate man can to ensure that the
human population will continue to grow for generations of genealogists to

Did any paper other than the Daily Mail carry a BMW advert which
declared that "By the end of 2007 you will not be allowed to use
a right-hand drive on the roads of mainland Europe

Not to mention that the cars would be "hands free" i.e. no steering wheel.
As mentioned by Charles, enquiries were to be directed to Herr Huhr-Huhr - I
see that there was also an interview with a Dr Bitt-Fischi.


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